welcome to my small domain on the internet! feel free to look around and please comment ~jzale314


Friday, April 25, 2014

winged shoes

Hi jammers! the new item today are the winged shoes! very greek-y and they are like Hermes's
i hope animal jam comes out with more Greek or roman items :D

they look good on deer and  made a cute little outfit :P

and for a random fun Friday..
juniper will be playing a little song on the piano XD

this little den trick is pretty simple! you just need a crystal table as the stage, a piano from the jam session party and a mat :D

well jammers, that's all!


  1. Kewl outfit! :3 I want to see Juniper play a piano song. X3

  2. I love the outfit!!! C: (And your blog) lol


Hi jammers, only a few rules to remember when commenting!
1. no swearing not even with ***'s
2. be nice, you can comment your opinion but don't be rude about it please!
3. be yourself that means don't pretend to be someone else!
hope you enjoy this blog and comment :D