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Monday, April 28, 2014

beast rim EVER!

HI jammers! The rim is the non member glove!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! they come in white, purple, green, black, blue, red (i love this glove), creme and pink!
i know that some people are a bit upset about rares coming back (and the price) but i love this item.. and i have more then 50,000 gems so price is nothing to worry about :3

and for Monday mystery.. 

were do nature archways come from?

are they created or taken or something else..

its up to you in the comments below!

well, thats all!

1 comment:

  1. I also don't have to worry about high virtual game prices. I have 200 something thousand gems. XD That's what happens when I play Best Dressed a lot and Adventures! And I sometimes donate 3,000 gems total in the Museum. X3

    I think a Nature Archway is that part of a waterfall at the bottom where the waterfall meets the ground- but miniature! :3 Ooh, maybe a nature archway is a waterfall that shrunk so it can fit inside a den. But why would you put a waterfall in a den in the first place? -thinks- I'm not sure. O-o


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1. no swearing not even with ***'s
2. be nice, you can comment your opinion but don't be rude about it please!
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hope you enjoy this blog and comment :D