welcome to my small domain on the internet! feel free to look around and please comment ~jzale314


Friday, April 4, 2014

meeting snowyclaw and french server?

Hi jammers! second post of the day!
two things.
One i found a FRENCH server!!!!!! it was SO WEIRD!! i was like:

then i saw snowyclaw! I could not speak English
so i had to use translate..
my free chat did not work..

oh and i got a kangaroo plushie named pumping and a yellow arctic wolf plushie with no name yet...
so you can comment what you want me to name it :3

well, that's all!!!


1 comment:

  1. Whoa how did you get into the french server? I wanna go to one... :(
    ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, Even though I basically would understand nothin


Hi jammers, only a few rules to remember when commenting!
1. no swearing not even with ***'s
2. be nice, you can comment your opinion but don't be rude about it please!
3. be yourself that means don't pretend to be someone else!
hope you enjoy this blog and comment :D