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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Non member rights protest!

Jello hammers!
here is a video of a nm protest i joined!

here is a very rude jammer who was saying that members are "better" then non members!


  1. Nm's are less spoiled as Members most of the time >.<
    - Ellydbelly

  2. What if a member turns nm one day, are they suddenly "stupid?'

  3. Hello, I am the jammer in that picture. Please, please delete this post. I said that junk over 7 years ago. Please delete this, you did not have my permission.


Hi jammers, only a few rules to remember when commenting!
1. no swearing not even with ***'s
2. be nice, you can comment your opinion but don't be rude about it please!
3. be yourself that means don't pretend to be someone else!
hope you enjoy this blog and comment :D