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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lots of stuff and most modern chair EVER.

Jello hammers! Sorry for lack of posts, i have had a lot to do x3
anyway, report melissadad66 for inappropriate behavior, i wont say what she did..

and the new item is the extremely modern circular chair!
very cool!
I live the little legs, good for a dinner table of something x3

i know that some people don't like the humany or modern items but i like them <3

well, that's all!


  1. I like the chair ^-^ It looks human-ish

  2. What did the Melissa person do? O0O I MUST KNOW. oDo
    -Girlslovekittens :3

  3. X3 Hehe, I'm a weirdo.. oDo

  4. i think aj was glitched so nobody could see my chat XD


Hi jammers, only a few rules to remember when commenting!
1. no swearing not even with ***'s
2. be nice, you can comment your opinion but don't be rude about it please!
3. be yourself that means don't pretend to be someone else!
hope you enjoy this blog and comment :D