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Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Jello hammers :c SOMEONE HACKED ME AND TOOK MY TOP HAT! I know that rares don't matter but i just liked that look :c Everyone has been so kind! cottonialrabbit sad that she will try to get one is adventures and fungymnast traded me a blue top hat!! Honestly, i have the kindest buddies :*) I am glad that the evil rare obsessed hacker only took one item. For now until i get my black top hat back, this will be my arctic wolves outfit.

On the topic of hacking, here is the rise against hackers blog!

I hope the evil hacker is happy knowing that he or she is so obsessed with pixels in an online game that they would spend lots of time being evil to get  a few black pixels..

the new item today is the lightning necklace in the summer carnival!

I got this item least year and i still love it :)

I like it in the grey and white color version :P

well, that's all!

p.s. i know that the hacker was non member because i had a croquet set in my den items so i know that he/she had to trade..

1 comment:

  1. Aww that sucks- that you got hacked, I mean. Seriously though. What's with all the hackers and scammers lately? Ugh! =.= Well, I wish you luck on getting your black top back.

    But I do like that blue arctic wolf outfit you have on now. c:

    Lol I'm the same about the lightning necklace. I got mine last year's and I still have it. It's pretty cool.

    I also like this green, grassy background. Nice! :)


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