welcome to my small domain on the internet! feel free to look around and please comment ~jzale314


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Fries hat O.O

Hi jammers! the new item today is the fries hat its sold at the April fools party.  sorry no picture because no april fools party is on but it looks like a little carton of fries like the ones at Mc Donald's...
 OOH  scammer and bully alert! honey1563 he was doing the "best decline wins my outfit" and saying that nm's are bad! when i accused him for scamming he said that he was quitting. then he started talking about how he only lives with his sister and his dog.. LOL i was LAUGHING. Then. HE. ASKED. ME. TO. BUDDY. HIM!!!!! O.O
well, i cant take any screnshots now because i am on my dads account and... its complicated..
hasta la bye bye!


1 comment:

Hi jammers, only a few rules to remember when commenting!
1. no swearing not even with ***'s
2. be nice, you can comment your opinion but don't be rude about it please!
3. be yourself that means don't pretend to be someone else!
hope you enjoy this blog and comment :D