welcome to my small domain on the internet! feel free to look around and please comment ~jzale314


Thursday, February 27, 2014

20th post and clover necklace!

Hi jammers! This is my twentieth post! ^.^ and the new item is the clover necklace!

I with that underwater was more fun....... i think an underwater pet party would be fun (though it would be member) Also a play as your pet den!!! <3 that would be sooooo cuute!!!! Any way sorry for all the rushed posts lately i do posts inn the morning so i have like, 3 minutes....Any way, now that i have time i have no idea what to say...
oh i think  saw a another glitch!
If you cant tell what it is its the the flooring thing and the walls thing are in the corner! my eagle found the glitch. :D
well, i have to go.



  1. Congratulations!
    Big event, huh? x3
    *Gives you a chocolate cupcake sprinkled with rainbows and frosting*

    Haha that would be really cool!
    Underwater pet party!
    The Clover Necklace is nice.
    I made an outfit for my dolphin with it!

    That glitch has been happening to a lot a people with eagles o.o.
    Mia776 sent me a picture of the glitch happening in my den a few days ago.
    I'm sooooooooo close to getting an eagle :D
    I have 6 diamonds! I won 3 from the Daily Spin today.
    It's been such a long time since I've won diamonds. Ever ;-;
    Glad to see them pop outta nowhere!

    I changed my commentor name!
    To ILCC Pikachu rocks!

  2. nice!!! lol i tried to log in to bloggah so i searched b and it came up with budk.. my cousin wated THROWING KNIVES for is b-day XD


    1. LOL :3
      Earlier I was doing a painting of a clover.
      Throwing Knives? Is that a movie or somethin? xD

      Most of my cousins are in their 20's now. My sisters are in their 30's! =)

    2. no, real throwing knives



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