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Monday, May 26, 2014

will draw cats for happyness

i will draw a custom cat for nothing but a smiley face in the comment. C: imma warriors geek x3



  1. :) :D can you draw my custom cat shadow holly!? It's grey and has a grey pelt and blue eyes. It's a medicine cat.

    1. I'm also making a comic with my costom clan, forest clan. The leader is leaf star. The story is when the medicine cats are out with silk kit. She goes missing mysteriously. But while every one is worried she's made friends with another clan, sky clan but not as you know it. This sky clan has foolish repulsive cats in it wanting me fierce warriors to take over the forest clan. There are for clans but none of them know they exist, exept sky clan. The 4 clans are,forests clan,sky clan,stone clan,wind clan. I hope when I finish chapter one I can put a link on it so every one can see!

  2. It's... it's Snowfur!! :-) I love Snowfur... but the story (in the end) is so sad. :'(
    =^.^= Warriors.

  3. i know.... its mainly whitekit that makes me cry though :*(


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