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Monday, May 5, 2014

rare sunglasses and new peck

Hi jammers! The rim today is the rare sunglasses!

Now people who were not able to get sunglasses when they were on clearance can get them!

and for the second part of my post........

the new peck!!! I. love. this!!!!!!!!!! This is aj's best peck yet! they have all of the alphas on there new blog look!

they now have a little tab on there blog for jamaa legends! Now its just info on the alphas but i bet legends will come soon!

and for monday mystery...

if you look at the map, the river that goes through jamaa splashes over the shop in kimbara.... were dose it go next?

well, thats all!

1 comment:

  1. The river might lead to another land made up of different ecosystems.


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