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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ice creme Sunday bench

Jellooooo Hammerz :3
The new item today is the Ice creme Sunday bench! x3 Sort
of funny, the correct spelling for that form of Sunday is sundae
It looks so yummy.. i could just (bends over and licks "ice creme") BLEHHHHH!!!! Tastes like a chair l:c
I am disappointed in you aj.

in other news.. 030

here is a random drawing i made of cinderpelt!

(its meant to just be part of her face x3)

Its the scene were Tigerclaw sets up the thunder path for Bluestar to get hit but instead poor Cinderpaw gets hit :c

well, DATZ ALL!


  1. Lol. Disappointed turtle. XP

    I like how you drew the car in Cinderpaw's eyes. It adds to the already intense situation. Aww, poor Cinderpelt. :( That monster (car) sure IS a monster! DX

  2. poor cinderpaw........... at least she has another chance to be a warrior after she dies, then gets another life as cinderheart in Omen Of The Stars (slaps hand in mouth) OOPS SORRY I SPOILED IT!!


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