welcome to my small domain on the internet! feel free to look around and please comment ~jzale314


Friday, September 12, 2014


Probably going to trade it

Le fluffy pillow of le fluffyness

Jello hammers! Welcum to le blug of flufy stuffs. heuheuheu... anyway, here is the new Egyptian item! 

I just love these Egyptian items! so amazing! I personally like them better the the ice creme items, less modern. Here is an example of a little Egyptian bedroom that i made in my crystal palace den!
You only need an Egyptian couch, an Egyptian pillow, some birthstone and some scrolls to make a the basic look! The art easel with the Mira ordainment is optional (i got the idea for the ornament on the art easel from Ancientclawz)

Well jammers, that's all!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

A scam story with a happy ending

Jello hammers! todays new items is the..
Egyptian beard!

Seems like a random, derpy item but good if your doing an Egyptian play or something x3

Anyway, the "happy scam story"

So, a jammer (cece779552) was doing the "best trade wins blablabla. She said that a longbow would win so i decided to trade to see if i would win or she would scam me and i would get the item that i wanted, i was trading for a non rare bow and arrow. She scammed me (of course?) so i sent her some jags like: Thanks for the bow and arrow, i did not like that longbow, but its still bad. so, i have a nice bow and she feels guilty :P

some other news, one of my buddies, fungymnast is quitting so she gave me her top hat and some other things, i am glad to have a top hat again but sad that she is quitting.

And some other news, i want to do a warriors series; Heatherkits Tale. I need some people to play.. people, so if your interested, just comment down below, I want to see of anyone even wants me to do it x3

Well, thats all!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


this explains it all.